
Letter of James: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

The letter of James is one of the most significant, yet generally overlooked, New Testament books. Because Martin Luther, leader of the Protestant Reformation, disliked this letter for its emphasis on good deeds, the book has come to be viewed as being in opposition to Paul’s letters, which emphasize faith in God. To correct these and other misperceptions about James, Luke Timothy Johnson embarks...

James’ Greek is also affected by the exhortatory character of his composition. The sentences are generally short, with only a few relatively lengthy periods (2:2–4; 3:15–16; 4:13–15). The combination of brevity and asyndetic construction sometimes provides a staccato rhythm (see esp. 4:7–10). It is no surprise that the dominant mood of James’ verbs is the imperative. In 108 verses, there are some 59 imperatives (46 in the second person, 13 in the third person). But by no means does James consist
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